ABOUT nick. the girl

By way of reinvention and reflection, nick. crafts an entrancing collection of textured yet tortured soul in BAND-AIDS FOR BULLET WOUNDS. Her debut album sees the multi-faced artist exploring the sonic intersection of alternative and R&B through the lens of kaleidoscopic industrial. BAND-AIDS FOR BULLET WOUNDS breathes in personal victory after heartbreak and bleeds out ambient-backed bite; the musings of creative and personal liberation.

Affirming artistic adaption, “GIUSEPPE DEPRESSION®” floats on a wall of sound, encapsulating an ethereal atmosphere that intertwines haunting vocals and aching honesty. nick. traverses the duality of her artistry –  dangerous yet angelic, empowered yet vulnerable, palpable yet imperceptible. She presents an irreverent perspective with raw sincerity. Expanding her visionary parameters, “SYNTHIA®” forges idiosyncratic invention over dreamy production. It’s a strikingly sensitive synthesis of classic low-fi production, progressive industrial and R&B lyricism, showcasing a true sense of depth and prowess.

BAND-AIDS FOR BULLET WOUNDS excavates nick.’s struggles and transforms them into a refreshing rawness. It bottles hazy observational lyricism and unprecedented delivery inside warm electronic soundscapes and immersive alternative R&B. Steeped in the state of hypnagogia, BAND-AIDS FOR BULLET WOUNDS scores a sonic dream sequence, eliciting deep feelings of reflection, and proving nick. is entirely her own.